

De NVN looft ieder jaar de Dissertatieprijs uit voor de beste dissertatie op het gebied van de neuropsychologie.

Hieronder vindt u een overzicht van alle proefschriften die zijn ingediend voor de Dissertatieprijs 2023. De winnaar wordt bekendgemaakt tijdens de NVN Voorjaarsconferentie 2024.


More than memory: The prevalence, assessment, and management of neuropsychiatric symptoms in Alzheimer’s disease
Willem Eikelboom

More than memory: The prevalence, assessment, and management of neuropsychiatric symptoms in Alzheimer’s disease door Willem Eikelboom

Mending broken sleep of broken brains: Blended cognitive behavioral therapy for insomnia following acquired brain injury
Marthe Ford

Mending broken sleep of broken brains: Blended cognitive behavioral therapy for insomnia following acquired brain injury door Marthe Ford

Clinical insights into frontotemporal dementia: A neuropsychological perspective on disease onset and progression
Jackie Poos

Clinical insights into frontotemporal dementia: A neuropsychological perspective on disease onset and progression door Jackie Poos

Understanding young onset dementia: Epidemiology, recognition and care use
Stevie Hendriks

Understanding young onset dementia: Epidemiology, recognition and care use door Stevie Hendriks

Back in control: Towards early identification of treatment resistance in schizophrenia
Marieke van der Pluijm

Back in control: Towards early identification of treatment resistance in schizophrenia door Marieke van der Pluijm

Breaking the cycle of depression: Towards targeting multiple underlying mechanisms
Amanda Legemaat

Breaking the cycle of depression: Towards targeting multiple underlying mechanisms door Amanda Legemaat

Determinants of recovery after traumatic brain injury: A neuropsychological perspective on symptoms across the severity spectrum
Sandra Rakers

Determinants of recovery after traumatic brain injury: A neuropsychological perspective on symptoms across the severity spectrum door Sandra Rakers

Anxiety and depression in people with acquired brain injury: Acceptance and Commitment Therapy as a possible intervention
Johanne Rauwenhoff

Anxiety and depression in people with acquired brain injury: Acceptance and Commitment Therapy as a possible intervention door Johanne Rauwenhoff

Social communication in young children with sex chromosome trisomy: Neurocognitive building blocks of behavioral outcomes
Evelien Urbanus

Social communication in young children with sex chromosome trisomy: Neurocognitive building blocks of behavioral outcomes door Evelien Urbanus