

De winnaar van de NVN Dissertatieprijs 2020 is Sophie Rijnen!

Tijdens de online najaarsconferentie van 2020 heeft de NVN de Dissertatieprijs uitgereikt aan Sophie Rijnen. Zij schreef het beste proefschrift op het gebied van de neuropsychologie, afgerond in de periode tussen 1 september 2019 en 1 september 2020.

De titel van haar werk is: Prediction of cognitive outcome after surgery in patients with meningiomas and gliomas: A comparison with healthy controls using normative formulae and reliable change indices


Research into neuropsychological assessment and cognitive rehabilitation in brain tumor patients after surgery
Sophie D. van der Linden

Research into neuropsychological assessment and cognitive rehabilitation in brain tumor patients after surgery door Sophie D. van der Linden

Prediction of cognitive outcome after surgery in patients with meningiomas and gliomas: A comparison with healthy controls using normative formulae and reliable change indices
Sophie Rijnen

Prediction of cognitive outcome after surgery in patients with meningiomas and gliomas: A comparison with healthy controls using normative formulae and reliable change indices door Sophie Rijnen

Risky Business: towards understanding aggression in prisoners from a social neurocognitive perspective
Niki Kuin

Risky Business: towards understanding aggression in prisoners from a social neurocognitive perspective door Niki Kuin

Perceptual continuity across saccades
Jasper Fabius

Perceptual continuity across saccades door Jasper Fabius

Curious minds: stimulating parent-child interaction to foster neurocognitive functioning in four- to eight-year-olds
Andrea M. Spruijt

Curious minds: stimulating parent-child interaction to foster neurocognitive functioning in four- to eight-year-olds door Andrea M. Spruijt

Art therapy & anxiety
Annemarie Madani-Abbing

Art therapy & anxiety door Annemarie Madani-Abbing

Sleep related to cognitive and behavioural functioning in children and adolescents
Marije C.M. Vermeulen

Sleep related to cognitive and behavioural functioning in children and adolescents door Marije C.M. Vermeulen

Early intervention in children at high risk of future criminal behaviour
Lisette van Zonneveld

Early intervention in children at high risk of future criminal behaviour door Lisette van Zonneveld